Picture Perfect – Mikes Review

You may remember a post or two ago that Paul was lucky enough to end up at the Red Carpet Screenings film festival recently held in Basingstoke. A showcase of short films made from all over. One of his highlights of the night was a 30 minute short called Picture Perfect. Sadly I couldn’t make the event, which is why I was pleasently surprised to find a link to the short in my inbox last week.

Picture Perfect follows David, an elderly gentleman who arrives with only a dog and a suitcase to the village he grew up in. He’s clearly recovering from some kind of loss and is greeted by his ever positive sister who sets him up in a house to live in. He spends most of his days alone with his dog Ivor, despite attempts from old friends and his sister to be more outgoing. Events transpire, David gives in, and he ends up at a car boot sale. Where he purchases an old painting.

What follows is both unexpecteded considering the tone of the film up to that point, and beautiful at the same time. To tell anything else would be to spoil the film. But its hauntingly beautiful. You can’t help but naturally doubt the sanity of this old man, and also sympathise with him. Perhaps that was the intent of the filmmakers. One hopes it was.

Picture Perfect is beautifully shot. The director of photography is a gem and really carries the film. Every shot keeps your attention no matter how mundane the situation. Special mention also to actor John Carson who plays the lead David. His performance as curmudgeonly David is heartrenchingly captivating at times and really is a pleasure to view. The 30 minutes long runtime seems a tad long at the outset but then passes by without you noticing. The ending is maybe a little rushed in the last 2 minutes, and some of the supporting performances leave a little to be desired but those can be forgiven as its a satisfying 30 minutes overall.

Check it out at a festival for yourself and let us know what you think.